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Page history last edited by Anne Armstrong 3 years, 11 months ago

The South East Corner Circle Dancing Group


Here in the South East Corner of England we feel we are very fortunate in having so many opportunities to Circle Dance. But this does occasionally have a downside. Sometimes there are so many events that it is difficult to  decide which event to go to and  this could put dance teachers in conflict with each other to try to get the best attendance at their events. In order to address this problem we first tried to assemble a comprehensive list of all the events in the area and make it available to all dance teachers in the neighbourhood. We really want to co-operate with each other and to foster our love of Circle Dancing. So with this in mind we then formed an Association on the 29th May 2008 known as The South East Corner Circle Dancing Group. This we hope will make it easier to support each other and any new teachers. By banding together as an association we can also make it simpler to deal with applying for a PPL (Phonographic Performance Licence) We now have 30 members who are mainly circle dance teachers in Kent Sussex and Surrey.



Follow links below for local events, groups in the area and dance teachers

For any queries or details to put up on this website contact Anne email: annearmstrong@supanet.com


Local Dance Groups, and Teachers  

Local events

Our AGM and Dance Day

Photo Gallery





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